How to introduce yourself in a French interview
When you're seeking employment, it's crucial to understand how to present yourself professionally in French. Whether it's during an interview, a conference, or a meeting, you must be able to discuss about yourself, your skills, your motivations, and goals. This is an opportunity to make a favorable impression on a potential employer and position yourself as the ideal candidate for the job. Here's a guide to some key phrases and examples to use during a professional presentation in French.
The initial interaction with the recruiter: "Parlez-moi de vous"
The first interaction with the recruiter is important. Your presentation, even if it’s brief, should capture your audience's attention and establish your credibility. The commonly asked first question is "Parlez-moi de vous." Introduce yourself with simple sentences (name, age, current position). For example, you can use the following phrases for self-introduction:
- Bonjour, je m'appelle (...) et je suis (...) = Hello, my name is (...) and I am (...).
- Je suis diplômé(e) de (...) en (...) .= I graduated from (...) (...) years ago with a degree in (...).
- J'ai travaillé en tant qu'(...) durant (...) ans, chez (...). = I worked as (...) engineer for (...) years at (...).
Example: "Bonjour. Je m'appelle James et j'ai 38 ans. Je suis diplômé de Harvard en ingénierie. J'ai travaillé en tant qu'ingénieur durant douze ans chez Microsoft."
Discussing your work experience and skills
The second part of your presentation should demonstrate that you possess the skills and qualities required for the position. You should really read thorough the job description to tailor your responses according to the required skills. Highlight experiences relevant to the position you're interested in and use professional vocabulary. Also, don't forget to conduct some research on the company to distinguish yourself from other candidates.
- J’ai de l’expérience dans le domaine de/du (...) = I have experience in the field of (...).
- Par exemple, dans mon poste actuel, je suis responsable de (...) = For example, in my current position, I am in charge of (...).
- Cela montre que je suis (...) = This shows that I am (...).
- J’ai d’excellentes compétences en (…) = I have great (…) skills.
- Au cours de ma carrière, j’ai énormément appris au sujet de (…) = During my career, I learned a lot about (…)
Example: “J'ai de l'expérience dans le domaine de l'informatique. Dans mon poste actuel, je suis responsable de la gestion du cloud. Cela montre que je suis responsable et capable de gérer les situations d'urgence. J’ai d’excellentes compétences en résolution de problèmes. Au cours de ma carrière, j’ai énormément appris sur la programmation.”
Presenting your strengths and weaknesses
It's very likely that the recruiter will ask you the inevitable question about strengths and weaknesses: “Quels sont vos qualités? Et quels sont vos défauts?” How you respond can significantly influence the recruiter's opinion. It's important to prepare for this question and answer it spontaneously. Be honest and focus on your interlocutor's expectations.
What are your strengths?
Highlight qualities related to the job you're applying for. Even though this exercise is challenging, don't be overly modest. Here are some examples of qualities to emphasize during an interview:
- Organisé(e) = Organized
- Ambitieux(se) = Ambitious
- Créatif(ve) = Creative
- Discipliné(e) = Disciplined
- Flexible = Flexible
- Curieux(se) = Curious
- Empathique = Empathetic
- Bon caractère = Good-tempered
- Aimable = Kind
- Serviable = Helpful
- Rigoureux(se) = Rigorous
- Compréhensif(ve) = Understanding
Here are some examples of phrases to present your qualities in different contexts:
- “Mon souci du détail est un atout majeur, qui me permet de fournir en permanence un travail de grande qualité.” = “My attention to detail is a key strength, consistently delivering high-quality work.”
- "Je suis connu pour ma capacité d'adaptation” = “I'm known for my adaptability”
- "J'apporte un état d'esprit positif à chaque projet.” = “I bring a positive mindset to every project”
- “Doté d'un grand sens de l'initiative, j'identifie les opportunités de manière proactive.” = “With a strong sense of initiative, I proactively identify opportunities”
- “Mes solides compétences en organisation se sont manifestées dans ma capacité à gérer plusieurs tâches simultanément” = “My strong organizational skills have been evident in my capacity to manage multiple tasks”
What are your weaknesses?
Flaws are natural, and everyone has them. However, be honest during the job interview and opt for real flaws:
- Distrait = Distracted
- Autoritaire = Authoritarian
- Sensible = Sensitive
- Indécis(e) = Indecisive
- Étourdi(e) = Thoughtless / absent-minded
- Borné(e) / Têtu(e) = Narrow-minded / Stubborn
- Susceptible = Touchy
- Stressé sous la pression = Struggling under pressure
- Bavard(e) = Talkative
You can also counterbalance your weaknesses with a positive statement, for example:
- “Je suis bavard mais je sais lorsqu'il faut travailler.”= “I'm talkative but I know when it's time to work”
- “Je suis très stressé sous la pression, mais j'ai récemment commencé à suivre des cours de yoga.” = “I am struggling under pressure but I've recently started yoga classes”
- “Je suis d'un naturel timide et je dois donc faire un gros effort pour prendre la parole.” = “I am naturally shy so I have to make a big effort to speak up”
Don't hesitate to ask questions about the company and the position
When your presentation is finished and your interlocutor has asked their questions, you can in turn ask questions about the position and the company to demonstrate your interest and motivation.
For example, you can ask the following questions:
- “À quoi ressemble une journée type au sein de votre entreprise?” = “What does a typical day at your company look like?”
- “Comment est l’ambiance de travail?” = “What's the working atmosphere like?”
- “Comment se passe l'intégration dans l'entreprise?” = “How does the integration process work?"
- “Est-ce que vous organisez des activités team building?” = “Do you organize team-building activities?”
- “Est-ce un nouveau poste?” = “Is this a new position?”
- “Quelles sont les prochaines étapes du processus de recrutement?” = “What are the next steps in the recruitment process?”
Concluding the interview
When the job interview is about to end, don't hesitate to ask the recruiter if they have any further questions. If they don’t, you can then thank them for the time they've spent with you.
- “Est-ce que vous avez d'autres questions?” = “Do you have any other questions?”
- “Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris le temps de me rencontrer aujourd'hui!” = “Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me today!”
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