Learn medical vocabulary in French
Medical professions in French
Healthcare is a complex sector, with a rich scientific vocabulary. If you're considering a career in this sector, whether in Switzerland or in another French speaking country, it's essential to have a good understanding of medical concepts in French.
French word | English word |
un médecin | a doctor |
un médecin généraliste | a general practitioner |
le personnel soignant | the nursing staff |
un aide soignant | a nursing auxiliary |
un infirmier | a nurse |
un pharmacien | a pharmacist |
un chirurgien | a surgeon |
un kinésithérapeute | a physiotherapist |
un pédiatre | a pediatrician |
un radiologue | a radiologist |
une sage-femme | a midwife |
un dermatologue | a dermatologist |
un acupuncteur | an acupuncturist |
un cardiologue | a heart specialist / cardiologist |
un dentiste | a dentist |
un gynécologue | a gynaecologist |
un diététicien | a dietician |
un psychiatre | a psychiatrist |
un psychologue | a psychologist |
un cancérologue | a cancerologist |
un ostéopathe | a osteopath |
un orthophoniste | a speech therapist |
un allergologue | a allergist |
French anatomy vocabulary
Mastering the vocabulary of anatomy is essential for a good overall understanding of medical French. To be able to take care of a patient, you need to have full knowledge of the vocabulary of the different parts of the body. Here are a few examples:
French word | English word |
un os | a bone |
un nerf | a nerve |
une veine | a vein |
une artère | an artery |
une articulation | a joint |
la salive | the saliva |
le sang | the blood |
la tête | the head |
l’abdomen | the abdomen |
le cou | the neck |
le thorax | the chest |
la main | the hand |
le bras | the arm |
l’avant-bras | the forearm |
le coude | the elbow |
le poignet | the wrist |
le doigt | the finger |
la cheville | the ankle |
la hanche | the hip |
les orteils | the toes |
le pied | the foot |
la cuisse | the thigh |
la jambe | the leg |
l’épaule | the shoulder |
le genou | the knee |
Symptoms and illnesses in French
If the English terms used to define illnesses are complex, so are the French ones. Your learning of medical vocabulary will therefore depend to a large extent on memorizing the French expressions used to define the various illnesses.
French word | English word |
un rhume | a cold |
la toux | cough |
un mal de gorge | a sore throat |
la grippe | the flu |
être essouflé | to be breathless |
être enroué | to be hoarse |
fièvre | fever |
vomir | to vomit |
une enflure | a swelling |
une infection | an infection |
paralysé | paralysed |
être cloué au lit | to be bedridden |
trembler | to shake |
un mal de tête | a headache |
se propager | to spread |
avoir la nausée | to feel nauseous |
une entorse | a dislocation |
un AVC | a stroke |
troubles de la personnalité | personality disorders |
leucémie | leukaemia |
être alité | to be laid up |
asthme | asthma |
une allergie | an allergy |
une bronchite | a bronchitis |
se sentir malade | to feel sick |
folie | lunacy |
un claquage musculaire | a muscular tear |
une névrose | nevrosis |
le diabète | diabetes |
une otite | an ear infection |
la rougeole | measles |
avoir mal | to be in pain |
la sclérose en plaques | multiple sclerosis |
une tumeur | a tumour |
une verrue | a wart |
tomber malade | to fall ill |
engourdissement | numbness |
une épidémie | an epidemic |
pathologie | pathology |
French care and healing vocabulary
Here you'll find a list of care and healing vocabulary in French, essential for taking care of patients and explaining what they need to heal.
French word | English word |
se remettre de… | to recover from… |
une ordonnance | a prescription |
un médicament | a medicine |
une pilule | a pill |
soulager | to relieve |
un cachet | a tablet |
une pommade | an ointment |
un diagnostic | a diagnosis |
un vaccin | a vaccin |
un antiseptique | an antiseptic |
prendre des mésures préventives | to take preventive measures |
une injection | a shot |
un antidouleur | a painkiller |
greffer un organe | to transplant an organ |
recoudre | to stitch up |
un pansement | a plaster |
un thermomètre | a thermometer |
reprendre des forces | to gain strength |
guérir | to cure |
un mouchoir | a tissue |
atténuer | to ease |
un anti-dépresseur | an anti-depressant |
prendre des médicaments | to take drugs |
une gélule | a capsule |
un sparadrap | a sticking plaster |
traitement | treatment |
être hospitalisé | to be admitted to hospital |
en écharpe | in a sling |
premiers soins | first aid |
tâter le pouls | to feel the pulse |
un plâtre | a plaster |
en urgence | emergency |
panser une plaie | to dress a wound |
effectuer une opération sur quelqu’un | to perform an operation on somebody |