Marketing vocabulary in French

Marketing vocabulary in French

Marketing vocabulary in French

Marketing players in French

To get to grips with the world of marketing in French, it's first important to be able to identify its players, both inside and outside the company.

English French
Product manager Chef de produit
Distribution manager Responsable de la distribution
Dealer Revendeur
Marketing manager Responsable marketing
Competitor Concurrent
Marketing assistant Assistant marketing
Brand manager Chef de marque
Customer Client
Marketer Responsable de la commercialisation
Public relations officer Chargé de relations publiques
Middleman Intermédiaire
Communication manager Responsable de la communication
Web developer Développeur web
SEO Manager Responsable SEO

French marketing vocabulary: le produit

Marketing know-how also involves mastering the vocabulary surrounding the product you want to sell. Here are a few examples.

English French
Goods Produits
Item Article
Life cycle Cycle de vie
Label Étiquette
Range Gamme
Mall Centre commercial
Packaging Emballage
Sample Echantillon
Sign Enseigne
Shortage Pénurie
Gift Cadeau
Launching Lancement
Downscale Bas de gamme
Faulty Défectueux
Upscale Haut de gamme

Advertising and webmarketing in French

Advertising and webmarketing are fundamental tools for reaching customers, both on the street and on the Internet. So it's important to know the vocabulary of the marketing tools used in living spaces, as well as on the web and social networks.

English French
Advertising Publicité
Comparative advertising Publicité comparative
Deceptive / Misleading advertising Publicité mensongère
Banner Bannière web
Commercial-free / Ad-free Sans publicité
Junk mail Courrier publicitaire
Sponsored ad Annonce sponsorisée
End display Tête de gondole
Advertising blitz Matraquage publicitaire
Hard sell tactics Stratégie de vente agressive
Mobile marketing Marketing sur mobiles
Point of sale advertising Publicité sur le lieu de vente
Newsletter Lettre d’information
Leaflet Prospectus
Keyword Mot-clé
Social media Réseaux sociaux
Advertising media Support publicitaire
Display Publicité web graphique
Hype Battage publicitaire
Advertisers’ strategies Stratégies publicitaires
Folder Dépliant
Mail shot Publipostage
Blurb Texte de présentation
Marketing stunt Coup marketing
Catchy Accrocheur

Marketing and the French market

Marketing is a 360 discipline, which is carried out both digitally and in the field. As such, mastering the vocabulary of marketing and the market is essential to understanding the ins and outs of marketing.

English French
Short stockage Rupture de stock
Shortage Pénurie
Mall Centre commercial
Unsold Invendu
Shelf Rayon
Supply Offre
Demand Demande
Trial offer Offre d’essai
Loyalty card Carte de fidélité
Voucher Bon d’achat
Mass market Commercialisation de masse
Impulse buying Achat impulsif
Quality price ratio Rapport qualité/prix
Consumer panel Panel de consommateurs
Consumer profile Profil du consommateur
Distribution channels Moyens de distribution
Bargain Bonne affaire
Buy one, get one free Un acheté, un offert
Market Marché
Market leader leader sur le marché
Market share Part de marché
Market intelligence Veille marketing
Market penetration Implantation du marché
Market research Etude de marché
Best seller Meilleure vente
Target market Marché cible
Data Donnée
Tender Appel d’offre
Online purchase Achat en ligne
Price cut Rabais
Cost advantage Avantage de coût
Profit margin Marge bénéficiaire
Niche Créneau
Trend Tendance

Marketing verbs in French

Below are a few examples of marketing verbs, essential for defining the actions taken by industry professionals and consumers.

English French
To bid Enchérir
To unveil Révéler
To advertise Faire de la publicité
To boast Vanter
To expand Se développer
To label Etiqueter
To build brand Fidéliser les clients
To hand out Distribuer
To price Fixer le prix
To poll Sonder
To recall Retirer de la vente
To discount Faire une réduction
To price down Solder
To package Emballer
To produce Produire
To refund Rembourser
To air a commercial Diffuser un message publicitaire
To target a market Cibler un marché
To position Positionner
To supply Fournir
To sponsor Parrainer
To slash prices Casser les prix
To survey Réaliser une étude
To attract Attirer
To exhibit Exposer
To succeed Avoir du succès
To analyse Analyser
To influence Influencer
To induce Persuader
To claim Prétendre
To withdraw Retirer
To deceive Tromper
To appeal to Plaire à
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