The numbers in French

The numbers in French

Here is the complete list of the 10 numbers that you need to master in French. These numbers will be used to create the numbers you will need.

- Zero : 0

- Un: 1

- Deux: 2

- Trois: 3

- Quatre: 4

- Cinq: 5

- Six: 6

- Sept: 7

- Huit: 8

- Neuf: 9


Numbers are composed of a sequence of digits in French, ranging from two elements to infinity, they are structured in a very simple way. Zoom on the construction of tens, hundreds, thousands, millions, billions...


- dix : 10

- vingt : 20

- Trente : 30

- quarante : 40

- cinquante : 50

- Soixante : 60

- Septante : 70

- Huitante : 80

- Nonante : 90

To compose the different tens, we add the number in French at the end. This gives for example:

- Vingt et un : 21

- Quarante-six : 46

- Huitante-deux : 82

Two particular cases should be noted:

- Onze : 11

- Douze : 12


To form the hundreds in French, simply place the number you want before the word "cent" which means "hundred".

- Cent : 100

- Trois cents : 300

- Deux cent quarante-deux : 242

- Cinc cent dix : 510


You have to do the same thing as for the hundreds, but with the term "Thousand".

- Mille : 1000

- Deux mille : 2000

- Dix mille : 10,000


- Un million : 1 000 000

- Deux millions : 2,000,000

- Trois millions : 3,000,000

- Un billion : 1,000,000,000

- Cinquante billions : 50 000 000 000

And so on!

It's easy isn't it? Just a little more practice and you'll easily be able to count in French and give any date! By the way, how do you say the date in French?

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