Clothing in French
English clothes are part of the basic vocabulary that you need to master. If some words are very well known and frequently used in the French language, you will not fail to discover in this sheet new terms to perfect your knowledge of the language!
Names of clothes in French
- Vêtement: clothes
- Un pantalon: a pair of slacks
- Un jean: a pair of jeans
- Une robe: a dress
- Une jupe: a skirt
- Une chemise: a shirt
- Un pull: a sweater
- Un pull: a jumper (UK), a pullover
- Un tee shirt: a t-shirt
- Une veste: a jacket
- Un manteau: a coat
- Un imperméable: a raincoat
- Un costume: a suit
- Une écharpe: a scarf
Names of underwear in French
Here are some French words about underwear:
- Les sous-vêtements: the Underwear
- Une culotte: panties, underpants
- Un caleçon: a boxer short
- Un caleçon: a trunk
- Un soutien-gorge: a Bra
- Collants: tights
- Une chaussette: a sock
- Un body: a body, a leotard (only for ballet)
- Un justeaucorps: a maillot
Names of accessories
- Un bijou: a jewel, gem
- Un collier: a necklace
- Une boucle d’oreille: earrings
- Un bracelet: a bracelet
- Une barrette: a hair slide
- Un élastique à cheveux: a rubber band
- Une écharpe: a scarf
- Un gant: glove
- Un bonnet: A beany
- Une ceinture: a belt
- Un col: a collar
- Une cravate: a tie
- Un sac à main: a handbag
Some examples of sentences and verbs related to clothing
Here are some verbs related to clothing and shopping:
- Habiller quelqu’un: To dress someone
- Acheter des vêtements pour quelqu’un: Buy clothes for someone
- Acheter des vêtements d’une certaine boutique: To buy clothes from a certain store
- Porter un vêtement: To wear a piece of clothing
- Porter des vêtements courts: To wear short clothes
- S’habiller de façon sexy: To wear sexy clothes
- Se déshabiller : To undress